Upcoming Chapter Meetings
WNBA monthly meetings are usually held the first Thursday of the month from September through May. Location and day of the week may vary. Be sure to check your emails and information on the home page of this website.
Upcoming Meetings:
March 6 at Carrabba's Italian Grill in Green Hills. Women's History Month presentation
April 3 at Carrabba's Italian Grill in Green Hills. Poetry Month!
May 8 Annual Garden Party at Barbie Chadwick's. Members only.
June 5 Summer Happy Hour
Theme: National Thank You Day —gratitude for authors
July 3 Summer Happy Hour
Theme: American Redneck Day —books featuring rednecks
August 7 Summer Happy Hour
Theme: National Lighthouse Day —books featuring lighthouses
September 4 “Shop Local” featuring Indy Bookstores
October 2 Southern Festival of Books Round-Up special guest speaker.
November 6 Best Books Lists “Wrap-Up” + Wrapping Party for A Good Cause
December 4 Christmas Party (members only) @ Natchez Country Club
Previous Meetings:
February - at Carrabba's Italian Grill in Green Hills. A representative from the TN State Library and Archives spoke about their services.
January - January 2 at Carrabba's Italian Grill in Green Hills. “Book to Start Your Year” – guests were encouraged to bring a book that has changed their lives or their thinking, then spend a few minutes discussing the book’s impact with the group.
December - Holiday dinner. Members only. Tuesday, December 10, at Old Natchez Country Club. Program by The Porch, a non-profit agency dedicated to educating and connecting writers and readers.
November - November 7 at Carrabba's Italian Grill. A celebration of US! Networking and getting to know one another.
October - Join us at the Southern Festival of Books. October 26-27, 2024. Coffee With Authors was held on October 26 at the Tennessee State Museum this year.
October - October 3 at Carrabba's Italian Grill. More info about SFOB! The meeting featured authors Erica Rodgers (Lady of Steel and Straw), WNBA member Melissa Collings (The False Flat), and Ami McConnell (president, WNBA Nashville).
September - Sept 5 at Carrabba's Italian Grill in Green Hills. We'll be getting excited about the Southern Festival of Books and especially Coffee With Authors!
Join us at https://www.greenhousenash.com. Order a beverage—or a meal—then chat about books and the arts from 5:30-7:00 pm.
June 6
August 1
May - May 16 Members Only Garden Party
April - April 7 at Dalts American Grill. The Banned. Q&A with two of Nashville's leading authorities on book banning and freedom of speech
March - March 7 at Dalts American Grill. Book Binge 2024. Free books, book swap, meet new board members.
February: February 1 at Dalts American Grill. Kristin O'Donnell Tubb -- local author of children's books.
December: Members Only December 7. Holiday Dinner at The Woman's Club of Nashville. Melissa Spradlin, Executive Director of Book'em, was our speaker.
November: November 2 at Dalts American Grill. Historical fiction panel with Bonnie Blaylock, Joy Jordan-Lake and Alana White.
October: October 21. Coffee with Authors at the Southern Festival of Books.
September: September 7 at Parnassus Books. A preview of authors who will be appearing at the Southern Festival of Books in October. The meeting was held at Parnassus in Green Hills at 6:30pm. Serenity Gerbman in conversation with Elyse Adler for the event.
Join us at https://www.greenhousenash.com. Order a beverage—or a meal—then chat about books and the arts from 5:30-7:30 pm.
June 1 “What Powerful Nonfiction Have You Read Lately"
July 6 "From Book to Screenplay: Which Version Was Better?"
August 3 "Beach Reads: Novels as Leisure"
May: Members only Garden Party.
April: April 6, 5:30 pm at Dalts. WNBA member Dr. Yasmine Ali, a Waverly, TN native, discussed her newest work, Walk Through Fire, the first book to examine the rarely acknowledged Waverly Train Disaster of 1978--the catastrophic accident that changed America forever and led to the formation of FEMA.
March: March 2, 5:30 pm at Dalts (on White Bridge Road). Tori Ross, retired children's librarian, moderated a children's literature panel of local authors,
December: Members only Holiday dinner at The Woman's Club of Nashville. Speaker Mary Beth Harding of the Nashville Adult Literacy Council.
November: Ariel Lawhon, a critically acclaimed, New York Times bestselling author of historical fiction, joins the WNBA for dinner at Dalt's American Grill on White Bridge Road on Nov. 3, at 5:30pm.
October: Coffee with Authors at the Southern Festival of Books in the auditorium at the Nashville Public Library on Saturday, October 15, at 9:30 for coffee, 10:00 for the author panel discussion.
September: Wednesday, September 7: A preview of authors who will be appearing at the Southern Festival of Books in October. The meeting will be held at Parnassus in Green Hills and the start time will be 6:30 pm. Serenity Gerbman will be in conversation with Elyse Adler for the event, and Parnassus is donating 10% of sales that night to Humanities Tennessee. Bring a friend and join us at Parnassus on Wednesday, September 7.
June: Members Only Garden Party
May: Mary Uhles Bringing Children's Books to Life with Illustrations https://www.maryuhles.com/.
April: Angela Jackson-Brown, an award-winning writer, poet, and playwright who teaches creative writing and English at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana. She is a graduate of the Spalding low-residency MFA program in creative writing as well as the author of House Repairs and the novels When Stars Rain Down and Drinking from A Bitter Cup.
March - Author Caitlin Hamilton Summie will discuss her debut novel Geographies of the Heart.
December - Jennie Fields – Discussion of her historical novel, Atomic Love.
Jennie Fields received an MFA from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and is the author of the novels Lily Beach, Crossing Brooklyn Ferry, The Middle Ages, The age of Desire, and Atomic Love. A Chicago native, Fields was inspired by her own mother’s work as a University of Chicago-trained biochemist in the 1950s. After years as a creative director at large New York ad agencies, Fields now lives with her husband in Nashville, Tennessee.
November 2021 - Kristin O’Donnell Tubb – Writing Books for Young Readers
Kristin O’Donnell Tubb is the author of several middle grade novels, including Luna Howls at the Moon and The Story Collector (A New York Public Library Book). She lives near Nashville, Tennessee with her family.
October 2021 - Coffee with Authors
A panel discussion with Patti Callahan, Jennifer Saint, Kelly Mustian, and Leah Weiss.
November 5, 2020: Stephanie Storey, author of the novel, Raphael, Painter in Rome, will discuss her historical thriller about the rivalry between Renaissance masters Raphael and Michelangelo.
September 3, 2020: Humanities Tennessee staff present an overview of the 2020 Southern Festival of Books on Zoom. The festival takes place online Oct. 1-11, 2020.
December 12, 2019 (2nd Thursday in December):Members’ Holiday Dinner at The Woman’s Club of Nashville; Stories from the Heart; with co-owner of Caitlin Hamilton Marketing & Publicity and award-winning short-story author, Caitlin Hamilton Summie.
November 7, 2019: November Meeting – Amanda Little, Author. Topic: “What We’ll Eat in a Bigger, Hotter, Smarter World”. 6:30 to 7:00 PM at Dalt’s American Grill in White Bridge Road.
October 12, 2019: Coffee with Authors at the Southern Festival of Books (no monthly meeting).
September 5, 2019: NEW LOCATION!! NEW TIME!! September Meeting – Southern Festival of Books preview with Gail Vinett and Nicole Robinson-Hamilton 6:30 to 7:00 PM at Dalt’s American Grill in White Bridge Road.
March 7, 2019: March Meeting – History Through Poetry – Ciona Rouse, 6:00 to 7:00 PM, Jonathons Grille in Green Hills
February 23, 2019: Young Adult Fiction: It’s Not Just for the Young. Saturday panel at the Green Hills Public Library, 10:30 – 12:00.
February 7, 2019: Broken Kingdom, a series centered on conflicts between Charles I of England and his Parliament. Novelist Brenda Vantrease introduces her just released A Far Horizon, a second volume of the series.
(Note: Please be advised that WNBA programs adhere to the inclement weather policy of the Davidson County Public School System)
Join us for:
Upcoming Meetings:
March 6 at Carrabba's Italian Grill in Green Hills. Women's History Month presentation
April 3 at Carrabba's Italian Grill in Green Hills. Poetry Month!
May 8 Annual Garden Party at Barbie Chadwick's. Members only.
June 5 Summer Happy Hour
Theme: National Thank You Day —gratitude for authors
July 3 Summer Happy Hour
Theme: American Redneck Day —books featuring rednecks
August 7 Summer Happy Hour
Theme: National Lighthouse Day —books featuring lighthouses
September 4 “Shop Local” featuring Indy Bookstores
October 2 Southern Festival of Books Round-Up special guest speaker.
November 6 Best Books Lists “Wrap-Up” + Wrapping Party for A Good Cause
December 4 Christmas Party (members only) @ Natchez Country Club
Previous Meetings:
February - at Carrabba's Italian Grill in Green Hills. A representative from the TN State Library and Archives spoke about their services.
January - January 2 at Carrabba's Italian Grill in Green Hills. “Book to Start Your Year” – guests were encouraged to bring a book that has changed their lives or their thinking, then spend a few minutes discussing the book’s impact with the group.
December - Holiday dinner. Members only. Tuesday, December 10, at Old Natchez Country Club. Program by The Porch, a non-profit agency dedicated to educating and connecting writers and readers.
November - November 7 at Carrabba's Italian Grill. A celebration of US! Networking and getting to know one another.
October - Join us at the Southern Festival of Books. October 26-27, 2024. Coffee With Authors was held on October 26 at the Tennessee State Museum this year.
October - October 3 at Carrabba's Italian Grill. More info about SFOB! The meeting featured authors Erica Rodgers (Lady of Steel and Straw), WNBA member Melissa Collings (The False Flat), and Ami McConnell (president, WNBA Nashville).
September - Sept 5 at Carrabba's Italian Grill in Green Hills. We'll be getting excited about the Southern Festival of Books and especially Coffee With Authors!
Join us at https://www.greenhousenash.com. Order a beverage—or a meal—then chat about books and the arts from 5:30-7:00 pm.
June 6
August 1
May - May 16 Members Only Garden Party
April - April 7 at Dalts American Grill. The Banned. Q&A with two of Nashville's leading authorities on book banning and freedom of speech
March - March 7 at Dalts American Grill. Book Binge 2024. Free books, book swap, meet new board members.
February: February 1 at Dalts American Grill. Kristin O'Donnell Tubb -- local author of children's books.
December: Members Only December 7. Holiday Dinner at The Woman's Club of Nashville. Melissa Spradlin, Executive Director of Book'em, was our speaker.
November: November 2 at Dalts American Grill. Historical fiction panel with Bonnie Blaylock, Joy Jordan-Lake and Alana White.
October: October 21. Coffee with Authors at the Southern Festival of Books.
September: September 7 at Parnassus Books. A preview of authors who will be appearing at the Southern Festival of Books in October. The meeting was held at Parnassus in Green Hills at 6:30pm. Serenity Gerbman in conversation with Elyse Adler for the event.
Join us at https://www.greenhousenash.com. Order a beverage—or a meal—then chat about books and the arts from 5:30-7:30 pm.
June 1 “What Powerful Nonfiction Have You Read Lately"
July 6 "From Book to Screenplay: Which Version Was Better?"
August 3 "Beach Reads: Novels as Leisure"
May: Members only Garden Party.
April: April 6, 5:30 pm at Dalts. WNBA member Dr. Yasmine Ali, a Waverly, TN native, discussed her newest work, Walk Through Fire, the first book to examine the rarely acknowledged Waverly Train Disaster of 1978--the catastrophic accident that changed America forever and led to the formation of FEMA.
March: March 2, 5:30 pm at Dalts (on White Bridge Road). Tori Ross, retired children's librarian, moderated a children's literature panel of local authors,
- Susan Eaddy, Grammy nominated author and illustrator of picture books.
- Caroline Brooks Dubois, Nashville Blue Ribbon Teacher (2016) and author who writes free verse novels for middle grader.
- Sharon Cameron, #1 New York Times bestselling author of young adult and crossover adult novels.
December: Members only Holiday dinner at The Woman's Club of Nashville. Speaker Mary Beth Harding of the Nashville Adult Literacy Council.
November: Ariel Lawhon, a critically acclaimed, New York Times bestselling author of historical fiction, joins the WNBA for dinner at Dalt's American Grill on White Bridge Road on Nov. 3, at 5:30pm.
October: Coffee with Authors at the Southern Festival of Books in the auditorium at the Nashville Public Library on Saturday, October 15, at 9:30 for coffee, 10:00 for the author panel discussion.
September: Wednesday, September 7: A preview of authors who will be appearing at the Southern Festival of Books in October. The meeting will be held at Parnassus in Green Hills and the start time will be 6:30 pm. Serenity Gerbman will be in conversation with Elyse Adler for the event, and Parnassus is donating 10% of sales that night to Humanities Tennessee. Bring a friend and join us at Parnassus on Wednesday, September 7.
June: Members Only Garden Party
May: Mary Uhles Bringing Children's Books to Life with Illustrations https://www.maryuhles.com/.
April: Angela Jackson-Brown, an award-winning writer, poet, and playwright who teaches creative writing and English at Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana. She is a graduate of the Spalding low-residency MFA program in creative writing as well as the author of House Repairs and the novels When Stars Rain Down and Drinking from A Bitter Cup.
March - Author Caitlin Hamilton Summie will discuss her debut novel Geographies of the Heart.
December - Jennie Fields – Discussion of her historical novel, Atomic Love.
Jennie Fields received an MFA from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and is the author of the novels Lily Beach, Crossing Brooklyn Ferry, The Middle Ages, The age of Desire, and Atomic Love. A Chicago native, Fields was inspired by her own mother’s work as a University of Chicago-trained biochemist in the 1950s. After years as a creative director at large New York ad agencies, Fields now lives with her husband in Nashville, Tennessee.
November 2021 - Kristin O’Donnell Tubb – Writing Books for Young Readers
Kristin O’Donnell Tubb is the author of several middle grade novels, including Luna Howls at the Moon and The Story Collector (A New York Public Library Book). She lives near Nashville, Tennessee with her family.
October 2021 - Coffee with Authors
A panel discussion with Patti Callahan, Jennifer Saint, Kelly Mustian, and Leah Weiss.
November 5, 2020: Stephanie Storey, author of the novel, Raphael, Painter in Rome, will discuss her historical thriller about the rivalry between Renaissance masters Raphael and Michelangelo.
September 3, 2020: Humanities Tennessee staff present an overview of the 2020 Southern Festival of Books on Zoom. The festival takes place online Oct. 1-11, 2020.
December 12, 2019 (2nd Thursday in December):Members’ Holiday Dinner at The Woman’s Club of Nashville; Stories from the Heart; with co-owner of Caitlin Hamilton Marketing & Publicity and award-winning short-story author, Caitlin Hamilton Summie.
November 7, 2019: November Meeting – Amanda Little, Author. Topic: “What We’ll Eat in a Bigger, Hotter, Smarter World”. 6:30 to 7:00 PM at Dalt’s American Grill in White Bridge Road.
October 12, 2019: Coffee with Authors at the Southern Festival of Books (no monthly meeting).
September 5, 2019: NEW LOCATION!! NEW TIME!! September Meeting – Southern Festival of Books preview with Gail Vinett and Nicole Robinson-Hamilton 6:30 to 7:00 PM at Dalt’s American Grill in White Bridge Road.
March 7, 2019: March Meeting – History Through Poetry – Ciona Rouse, 6:00 to 7:00 PM, Jonathons Grille in Green Hills
February 23, 2019: Young Adult Fiction: It’s Not Just for the Young. Saturday panel at the Green Hills Public Library, 10:30 – 12:00.
February 7, 2019: Broken Kingdom, a series centered on conflicts between Charles I of England and his Parliament. Novelist Brenda Vantrease introduces her just released A Far Horizon, a second volume of the series.
(Note: Please be advised that WNBA programs adhere to the inclement weather policy of the Davidson County Public School System)
Join us for:
- Monthly meetings feature timely topics about books, authors and publishing.
- Elegant gatherings, such as our annual holiday dinner, commemorate special events.
- Book Discussion Group This group meets six times a year from July through May. We are currently meeting on Zoom but hope to meet in person again soon.
- National Book Discussion Group This group meets on Zoom on the last Tuesday of every month. Contact us if you want to receive the link.
- The Southern Festival of Books gets a helping hand from WNBA members who assist with logistics, author bookings and hospitality, and publicity.
- Local literacy initiatives such as RIF (Reading is FUNdamental), Book’em, and the Tennessee Young Writers enjoy WNBA’s active support.
- The opportunity to participate in the yearly WNBA Great Group Reads program (for members only). Readers will commit the time to read 20-25 books in 4 months (end of March to early August). Visit the Great Group Reads page for more information.